Magneto Grounding Kill Switch
The "shockless" design of this high-quality switch protects the driver from magneto voltage and the motor from no-starts even in very humid conditions. Multiple hard silver contacts are utilized for long life and stick-free operation through over one million cycles. The big red button pushes in and locks to ground the magneto and leave the ignition in a safe condition for engine maintenance. Twisting the knob clockwise pops the actuator out to un-ground the circuit.
This affordable solution leaves hardware store toggle switches in the dust and the ultra-spendy switches looking silly.
This dual pole kill-switch is capable of grounding up to two Mallory or Vertex magnetos. It will also ground the MSD Mag 12, 20 and 44.
The screw-in lug design prevents the switch from rotating in the dash panel like the traditional sleeve/nut switches.