90 degree, SUPPRESSION Core for VERTEX - Black
These sets are made by us, in-house using our own top quality 8mm suppression core wire. This set is aimed specifically at Vertex OAC (internal coil) magnetos that need no terminals or boots for the mag end. You don't need them, why pay for them?
Available in BLACK only at this time.
These wires are slightly smaller to fit into a stock Vertex cap.
If you run electronics on-board (tach, shift-light, data logger, etc.), these are the wires you want for your magneto. With only 45 ohms of impedance per foot, these wires curb RFI while ensuring long cap and rotor life. These wires don't endanger your internal coil like high impedance STREET suppression wires will.
These wires all run LONG compared to standard Taylor, Mallory or MSD sets. You won't come up short!
The 90 degree plug terminals and boots are installed for you. Trim to fit and install the wires into your Vertex cap. Snug the brass lugs in the cap into the wires and you're ready to go!
We also throw in a set of heat shrink numbers.